Post Office Closure

A big thank you to everyone for the support at Y Ganolfan on Tuesday 12th August .

The fight to keep Llandrillo Post Office is winnable (we have to be positive) if ALL of us in this Community pull together along with support from Llanderfel and of course as many visitors as possible. To voice your opinion in support of keeping the Llandrillo Post Office open cannot be any easier. So please, please do not waste the only opportunity there is to make your views know to the Post Office by 15th September 2008

To help you there are a number of ways:

Pre-prepared Form available from The Stores - with a collection point when completed.

Mr Laurie Brown will help you put your individual letter or email together - contact details on the notice board - don't hesitate just do it your confidentiality is guaranteed.

David Robinson and others are also available if you need any help or want to discuss anything you don't understand or require to know more just telephone 01490 440217 for starters.

Please keep a copy of your letters and emails a complete record of all the submissions will be put together in a separate report to demonstrate the strength opposition to the Post Office Proposals. Please contact David Robinson.

To have the maximum effect The Subject of any letter or email must be focussed on our local situation in Llandrillo for example:

Do you queue up in the Post Office now - what would it be like stood in the rain, snow, wind, winter on Y Wern to access the Outreach Van in a queue?

Have you tried to get the bus to Corwen but can't get on because it is full? It's too expensive?

Have you got more than 2 hours to waste to get to Corwen Post Office that is if you got on the bus in the first place?

The journey to the Post at Corwen from the Green Lane Car Park/bus stop is long, has many steps - very difficult when you find it difficult to walk.

The many car journeys to Corwen do not contribute to a sustainable community

Llandrillo PO has 300 transactions each week Cynwyd PO has 200 each week why close Llandrillo?

Get ANY support from local or national Media, Martyn Jones MP, Karen Sinclair AM, Cefyn William County Councillor or even the Prime Minister!!! Prince Charles!!! Just do it.

This the one chance we all have to make a difference for everyone in our Community